Handling the Stress of the Holidays at Work

The holiday season is upon us and although it is a time of festivities and spending time with loved ones and friends, it can also be a time of stress and anxiety.  Both at home and in the workplace. Some of the holiday stress that can consume us at the workplace could...

Does your organization allow you to grow professionally?

Many times, as we graduate from high school, we set our sites on starting our life on our own. We crave the excitement of being young and free, away from the rules and demands of our elders. Sometimes people go straight to college or they may take a bit of time off to...

June is National Safety Month!

What is National Safety Month and why is it so important for our team members in Palm Garden Healthcare centers? “National Safety Month’s main focus is on reducing the leading causes of injury at work, on the road and in our homes and communities.” (“June is National...

National Skilled Nursing Care Week

How Palm Garden Healthcare helps our team members & residents “Living Soulfully”   During the week of May 12-18, 2019 Palm Garden Healthcare celebrated National Skilled Nursing Care Week. Palm Garden skilled nursing centers not only provide a beautiful,...